Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen Dying Care, Propagation, Flowers Smell

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen Dying Care, Propagation, Flowers Smell
Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen Complete Guide

Hoya Krimson Queen, also known as Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen, is a beautiful and popular indoor houseplant that belongs to the Apocynaceae family. This plant is liked for its stunning foliage, which features variegated leaves in shades of pink, cream, and green. It makes an excellent addition to any indoor garden due to its slow growth and ease of care.

Hoya Krimson Queen Common Names

Hoya Krimson Queen is also commonly referred to as Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower, or Sweetheart Plant. These common names are often used interchangeably to describe different varieties of the Hoya plant.

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen Flower Smell

The Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is known for its stunning and fragrant flowers. The flowers of this plant are typically star-shaped and are grouped in clusters or umbels that can contain up to 40 individual flowers. Each flower measures approximately 0.5 to 1 inch (1.3 to 2.5 cm) in diameter.

One of the most notable characteristics of the Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen’s flowers is their strong, sweet fragrance. The scent is often described as being similar to that of jasmine or gardenia, with a hint of spice or honey. The fragrance is most intense in the evening, which is when the flowers are most likely to release their scent.

Carnosa Krimson Queen Flower Color

The blooms of the Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen are usually pink to red in color, with a white or pink star in the center. The petals are often covered in a waxy substance that gives them a shiny appearance.

Overall, the Krimson Queen’s flowers are a beautiful and fragrant addition to any indoor garden, and they can provide a stunning display of color and scent when in full bloom.

Hoya Krimson Queen How To Get Pink Leaves:

The Hoya Krimson Queen plant is known for its variegated leaves, which typically have shades of pink, cream, and green. However, the intensity of the pink coloration can vary depending on the growing conditions and genetics of the plant. With the proper care, you can encourage your Hoya Krimson Queen to produce more pink leaves. Here is the complete guide on how to care for Hoya Krimson Queen.

How Do You Care For A Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen?

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen, also known as Hoya Krimson Queen, is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for indoor plant. To keep your Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen healthy and blooming, follow these care tips:

Light Requirement for Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen:

It is important to note that while Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen needs bright light to grow, it should not be placed in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn and damage the plant. Therefore, it’s best to provide the plant with bright, indirect sunlight or filtered light. If the plant is not receiving enough light, its growth may become slow and the leaves may lose their variegation. On the other hand, too much light can also cause problems, so it’s important to find the right balance for your plant. If you notice that the leaves are turning yellow or brown, it may be a sign that the plant is receiving too much light.

Hoya Krimson Queen Watering Needs

When watering Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen, it’s important to ensure that the soil is thoroughly moistened but not waterlogged. Overwatering can cause the soil to become waterlogged, which can lead to root rot and other problems. To avoid overwatering, wait until the top inch of the soil is dry before watering the plant. This will help prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged and allow the plant to absorb water as needed.

In addition, it’s important to avoid getting water on the leaves and flowers of Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen, as this can cause damage and discoloration. When watering, aim to water the soil directly and avoid splashing water on the leaves and flowers. During the winter months, when the plant is not actively growing, it may require less frequent watering.

What is the best soil for Hoya Krimson Queen?

The best soil for Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is a well-draining soil mix that allows excess water to drain away from the roots. Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen prefers soil that is rich in organic matter and holds moisture well but is not overwatered.

How To Make Good Potting Mix For Hoya Krimson Queen

A good soil mix for Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen can be made by combining equal parts of peat moss, perlite, and coarse sand. This will create a soil mix that is well-draining and allows for good air circulation around the roots. Alternatively, you can use a commercial potting mix that is specifically formulated for houseplants.

It’s important to note that Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 6.5. If the soil pH is too high or too low, it can affect the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients and cause problems with growth. Therefore, it’s important to use a soil mix that is specifically formulated for acid-loving plants or adjust the pH level of the soil as needed.

Temperature and Humidity Requirement for Krimson Queen

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen prefers warm and humid conditions, similar to those found in its native tropical environment.

Temperature: Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen prefers temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C) during the day and 50-60°F (10-15°C) at night. It’s important to protect the plant from extreme temperature fluctuations, as sudden changes in temperature can cause stress and damage to the plant.

Humidity: Hoya Krimson Queen shines in high humidity, with ideal levels ranging from 60-80%. If the air in your home is dry, you can increase humidity levels by placing a humidifier near the plant or by placing a tray of water near the plant to provide moisture to the air. You can also mist the plant regularly with water to help increase humidity levels.

It’s important to note that Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is sensitive to cold drafts and can also suffer from damage caused by overly dry air. Therefore, keep the plant away from cold drafts and maintain consistent humidity levels to keep the plant healthy and blooming.

Hoya Krimson Queen Growth Patterns

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is a slow-growing plant that can eventually reach up to 4 feet (1.2 meters) in length when grown under the right conditions. It is a vining plant that produces long, slender stems with thick, succulent leaves that are variegated with shades of green, pink, and cream.

Repotting Krimson Queen

Regarding repotting, Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen does not need to be repotted frequently, as it prefers to be slightly rootbound. You can repot the plant every 2 to 3 years or when the pot becomes too small to accommodate the plant’s growth. It’s important to use a well-draining potting mix (as told above) when repotting and to avoid disturbing the roots too much.

Procedure of Repotting

To repot Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen, gently remove the plant from its current pot, being careful not to damage the roots. Place the plant in a slightly larger pot with fresh soil, and ensure that the roots are completely covered with soil. Water the plant thoroughly after repotting and then allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again.

Also note that Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen can be sensitive to changes in its environment, so it’s best to avoid repotting during the winter months or when the plant is flowering, as this can cause stress and damage to the plant.

Fertilizer Needs of Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen does not require heavy fertilization and can be grown successfully with minimal feeding. However, occasional feeding can help promote healthy growth and encourage flowering.

Fertilizer Needs: During the growing season (spring and summer), you can feed Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen with a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-3 weeks. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months, as the plant is not actively growing during this time.

Natural Fertilizer for Hoya Krimson Queen

Organic Fertilizer for Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen: If you prefer to use organic fertilizers, there are several options that are suitable for Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen. One effective organic fertilizer is compost tea, which is made by steeping compost in water to create a nutrient-rich liquid.

  • Preparation Method of Compost Tea
  • Here’s how to make compost tea:
  • Fill a large container with water and add a few handfuls of compost.
  • Stir the compost in the water to create a suspension and let it steep for 24-48 hours.
  • Strain the liquid through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Dilute the compost tea with an equal amount of water.

Use the diluted compost tea to water your Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.

Alternatively, you can use a slow-release organic fertilizer, such as worm castings or fish emulsion. Bone meal, coffee beans, Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and use caution not to over-fertilize, as this can cause damage to the plant.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen remains healthy and vibrant for years to come. With its stunning variegated foliage, this plant is sure to be a standout addition to your indoor garden.

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen Propagation Step-by-Step Guide

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen can be propagated easily from stem cuttings. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to propagate Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen:


  • Sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears
  • Small pots or containers filled with well-draining potting mix
  • Rooting hormone (optional)
  • Water
  • Plastic bag or humidity dome (optional)


  1. Choose a healthy stem on your Krimson Queen that has at least two nodes (where the leaves attach to the stem).
  2. Using sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears, cut the stem just below the node.
  3. Remove the bottom few leaves from the cutting, leaving only 2 or 3 leaves at the top.
  4. If desired, dip the cut end of the stem into rooting hormone powder to promote root growth.
  5. Fill a small pot or container with a well-draining potting mix and make a small hole in the center.
  6. Insert the cutting into the hole and gently press the soil around the stem to secure it in place.
  7. Water the soil thoroughly and allow it to drain.
  8. Place the pot in a warm, bright location, but avoid direct sunlight.
  9. Cover the pot with a plastic bag or humidity dome to create a humid environment if desired.
  10. Water the cutting regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  11. After a few weeks, new growth should appear on the stem, indicating that roots have formed.
  12. Once the cutting has established roots, you can transplant it into a larger pot with fresh potting mix.

Layering: Choose a healthy, long stem and make a small cut in the middle of the stem, being careful not to sever it completely. Dust the cut with rooting hormone and wrap it with moist sphagnum moss. Cover the moss with plastic wrap and keep it moist until roots begin to form. Once roots have formed, cut the stem below the moss and plant it in potting soil.

It’s important to note that Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen can be slow to propagate, so be patient and allow the cutting plenty of time to establish roots and grow. Additionally, avoid disturbing the cutting too much during the rooting process, as this can cause stress and damage to the plant.

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queens Problems

While Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is generally a hardy and low-maintenance plant, there are a few problems that you could encounter:

  • Overwatering: Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is susceptible to root rot if it is overwatered or if the soil does not drain properly. To prevent this, make sure the soil is well-draining and allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering.
  • Pests and Diseases: Like most houseplants, Carnosa Krimson Queen can be affected by pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Regularly inspect your plant for signs of infestation and treat it promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Cold temperatures: Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is a tropical plant and is sensitive to cold temperatures. If exposed to temperatures below 50°F (10°C), the plant may become damaged or die. Keep the plant in a warm location and avoid placing it near drafty windows or doors.
  • Improper fertilization: Overfertilizing Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen can cause fertilizer burn, which can damage the plant’s leaves and roots. Only fertilize during the growing season and use a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength.
  • Yellowing Leaves: If the leaves are turning yellow, it may be a sign of overwatering or too much direct sunlight.

What To Do If Hoya Krimson Queen Dying:

If your Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen is showing signs of decline or appears to be dying, there are several steps you can take to try to revive it:

  • Check for pests: Pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects can cause stress to the plant and lead to decline. Inspect the plant for signs of infestation and treat it promptly.
  • Repot the plant: If the plant is rootbound or the soil is depleted of nutrients, it may be time to repot it into a fresh potting mix.
  • Prune the plant: If the plant is leggy or has yellowing or wilting leaves, pruning it back can help stimulate new growth and improve its overall health.

By identifying and addressing the underlying cause of your Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen’s decline and taking steps to improve its growing conditions, you can help bring it back to health.


What is the difference between Hoya Krimson and Queen?

Hoya Krimson and Hoya Krimson Queen are two different cultivars of Hoya Carnosa. The Krimson Queen variety has pink and cream-colored variegated leaves, while the Krimson variety has solid green leaves. Both plants have similar care requirements, but the Krimson Queen variety is more sought after for its unique foliage.

Do Hoya Krimson Queen leaves Stay Pink?

Yes, the leaves of a Krimson Queen Hoya typically maintain their pink and cream-colored variegation throughout their lifespan. However, the intensity of the coloring may vary depending on the plant’s light exposure and other environmental factors.

Does Hoya Krimson Queen Grow Fast?

No, Hoya Krimson Queen is not known for its fast growth. It is a slow-growing plant that typically grows 1-2 inches per year. However, with proper care, it can reach a mature size of up to 2-3 feet in length.

What Time of Year Do Hoyas Flower?

Hoyas are known for their waxy and fragrant flowers that typically bloom in the spring and summer months. However, the exact time of flowering can vary depending on the specific cultivar and environmental conditions. Some Hoyas may bloom multiple times throughout the year, while others may only flower once a year.

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