Dischidia imbricata and Hoya imbricata are two different species of plants that belong to the same family, Apocynaceae, and both are epiphytes, meaning that they grow on other plants. What are the differences between Dischidia Imbricata and Hoya Imbricata? We will explain it in detail in this article.
Dischidia Imbricata Overview
Dischidia imbricata, also known as the “String of Nickels” plant, is a unique and beautiful plant that is native to Southeast Asia. It’s part of the “dog bane” family Apocynaceae and is related to the milkweed plant.
This plant is known for its thick, fleshy leaves that are arranged in opposite pairs along trailing stems. The leaves are green with pale markings and have a distinct heart or seashell shape. As it grows, Dischidia imbricata clings closely to its host plant, and the leaves may even be completely flat like roof shingles.

Hoya Imbricata Overview
Hoya imbricata also called “Waxplant” or “Porcelain flower,” is a species of Hoyas that is native to Southeast Asia. Its leaves are also thick and fleshy, and it produces clusters of fragrant flowers. Hoya imbricata is a climbing plant that can reach up to several feet in length, and its leaves grow opposite each other. The leaves of Hoya imbricata are usually green with lighter veining, although they may also have variations in color depending on the variety.
Here are the main differences between Dischidia Imbricata vs Hoya Imbricata
Leaves: The leaves of Dischidia imbricata are small, thick, and fleshy, with a pale green color and a waxy texture. On the other hand, the leaves of Hoya imbricata are larger, thinner, and more elongated, with a darker green color and a smooth texture.
Flowers: The flowers of Dischidia imbricata are small and tubular, with a white or pale green color, while the flowers of Hoya imbricata are larger, star-shaped, and have a pink or purple color.
Growth Habit: Dischidia imbricata is a slow-growing plant that tends to stay compact, while Hoya imbricata can grow quite large and become somewhat vine-like over time.
Care Requirements: Both plants require similar care, including bright, indirect light, moderate watering, and well-draining soil. However, Dischidia imbricata is more sensitive to overwatering and requires less frequent watering than Hoya imbricata.
While these plants may have some similarities in appearance, they are quite distinct from one another in terms of their leaves.
Watch the Youtube Video of Dischidia Imbricata
What is the common name for Dischidia?
The common name for Dischidia is “milkweed vine.”
What is Hoya imbricata stem modification?
Hoya imbricata has a stem modification known as a “twining stem.” This type of stem allows the plant to climb and attach to a support structure or other plants in its natural habitat. The stem of Hoya imbricata is relatively thin and flexible, and it uses this twining stem to wrap around other objects for support as it climbs.
What is the difference between Hoya and Dischidia?
Hoya and Dischidia are both genera of plants in the family Apocynaceae. While they have some similarities in appearance, such as the thick and waxy leaves, they are different plants. Hoya is generally more popular as a houseplant and is known for its fragrant flowers, while Dischidia is often grown for its unique foliage and air-purifying properties.
Can Dischidia grow in water?
Yes, Dischidia plants can grow in water. They can be propagated in water by rooting stem cuttings, and some species can also be grown hydroponically in water-based systems. However, it’s important to make sure that the water is changed regularly and that the plant has access to the nutrients it needs to thrive.
Is Dischidia Imbricata Toxic to Cats? or Is Dischidia pet safe?
After further research, I found that Dischidia imbricata is actually not toxic to pets, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). It is considered safe for dogs, cats, and other pets.